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House Floor Ticker Archive

06/25/15 1:51 PM H.R. 2822

Amendment offered by Mr. Poe (TX).

06/25/15 12:55 PM H.R. 2822

GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of general debate on H.R. 2822.

06/25/15 12:55 PM H.R. 2822

The Speaker designated the Honorable Garret Graves to act as Chairman of the Committee.

06/25/15 12:55 PM H.R. 2822

House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 333 and Rule XVIII.

06/25/15 12:54 PM H.R. 2822

Resolution provides for a modified open rule for H.R. 2822; a structured rule for H.R. 2042; and provides for proceedings of the House during the period from June 26, 2015, through July 6, 2015.

06/25/15 12:54 PM H.R. 2822

Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 333. H.R. 2822 — "Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes."

06/25/15 12:52 PM H.R. 1735

FURTHER APPOINTMENTS OF CONFEREES - The Chair announced that further appointments of conferees would occur at a subsequent time.

06/25/15 12:52 PM H.R. 1735

The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on Armed Services for consideration of the House bill and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Thornberry, Forbes, Miller (FL), Wilson (SC), LoBiondo, Bishop (UT), Turner, Kline, Rogers (AL), Shuster, Conaway, Lamborn, Wittman, Hunter, Hartzler, Heck (NV), Wenstrup, Stefanik, Smith (WA), Sanchez, Loretta, Davis (CA), Langevin, Larsen (WA), Cooper, Bordallo, Courtney, Tsongas, Garamendi, Johnson (GA), Speier, Castro (TX), and Duckworth.

06/25/15 12:52 PM H.R. 1735

The Speaker appointed conferees

06/25/15 12:52 PM H.R. 1735

On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and request a conference Agreed to by voice vote.

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