H.R. 5792 would direct the General Services Administration (GSA) to establish the Digital Service Agreement Program. That program would allow the agency to award grants to, or enter into cooperative agreements or memorandums of understanding with, state, local, and eligible tribal governments to plan, establish, or support improved online delivery of government services. Each agreement would have a term of not more than five years at a cost of no more than $10 million. The bill would authorize the appropriation of $100 million annually over the 2022‑2028 period for the program and $1 million for eight years beginning in the year the first agreement is entered into for audits and oversight by GSA’s Inspector General. Based on spending patterns for similar programs and assuming appropriation of the specified amounts, CBO estimates that implementing H.R. 5792 would cost $284 million over the 2022-2026 period, and $424 million after 2026. The costs of the legislation, detailed in Table 1, fall within budget function 800 (general government) and any budget function that provides online government services.