Organization's Own Description:
Shall have jurisdiction over the following subject matters: All matters relating to science policy and STEM education; competitiveness, technology, standards, and innovation; National Science Foundation; The National Institute of Standards and Technology; The Office of Science and Technology Policy; The National Technical Information Service; Research, development, and demonstration activities of the Department of Transportation; Research, development, demonstration, and standards-related activities of the Department of Homeland Security; Innovation programs at the Economic Development Administration of the Department of Commerce; Intergovernmental mechanisms for research, development, and demonstration and cross-cutting programs; All scientific research, and scientific and engineering resources (including human resources); All matters relating to science, technology, engineering and mathematics education,including matters related to diversity in STEM; Technology transfer, including civilian use of defense technologies; Emerging technology policy, including biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and quantum; Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer; International scientific cooperation; Standardization of weights and measures, including technical standards, standardization, and conformity assessment; Measurement, including the metric system of measurement; Competitiveness, including small business competitiveness; Tax, antitrust, regulatory and other legal and governmental policies as they relate to technological development and commercialization; Patent and intellectual property policy; International technology trade; University research policy, including infrastructure and overhead; University research partnerships, including those with industry; Science scholarships; Surface and water transportation research, development, and demonstration programs; Earthquake programs, windstorm programs, and fire research programs, including those related to wildfire proliferation research and prevention; Voting and elections systems technologies and standards; Computing, communications, networking, and information technology; Research and development relating to health, biomedical, and nutritional programs; Research, development, and demonstration relating to nanoscience, nanoengineering, and nanotechnology; Agricultural, geological, biological and life sciences research; Materials research, development, demonstration, and policy; Other appropriate matters as referred by the Chairman; and relevant oversight.
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